Saturday, August 1, 2009

first word...seriously!

Yesterday while at Aunt Stacey's house, Isaac said his first word!! Aunt Shelley had Isaac's little rattle phone and she was talking in it looking at him and playing with him. Ryan was headed to Stacey's house, and so Shelley says into the phone, "Isaac, Hi Daddy?" He looks up at her and says, "Dada!" Then he proceeds to babble--"Dadadada!" Again, Shelley says, "Where's Daddy?" Isaac starts kicking his feet and getting excited and says, "Dada!" So, it's official--Isaac's first word clearly is 'Dada'. I knew it! I knew it would be Dada and not Mama. It's okay. He LOVES his Daddy! : )


  1. Awww, I bet Ryan is beaming!! And, maybe doing a little bragging as I right?
